Jan 25, 2011

I Like My Apples Crisp

And the Big Apple was certainly just that, crisp.  Crisp as in cold.  19 degrees with a windchill down to 11.  And its a little humid.  Don't leave your food outside or it may get freezer burn.  All in, it was a great trip.  Had some time to see some friends and ran around the town a bit.  It's good to back and wrapping up Mormon.org.

On a side note, did you know that the New York Macy's Wikipedia is the largest department store in the world?  A short bio: Founded in 1858 by a sailor (Rowland Hussey Macy) with a red star tattooed on his hand.  It now has 2.2 million sq ft of retail -- covering one city block and rising 11 stories.  There are 6 Starbucks in side.  It was the first store to offer free home delivery and free toilet paper in the restrooms.  The first day of business brought in $11.08 ($279.82 today) and in 2009 Macy's ran $24.89 billion in sales... pretty amazing.


Todd and Jenn said...

We're going in May. Can't wait! Great pictures!

Ryan P said...

awesome blog, found you through Heber, look forward to more of your work with CF!
